IPv6-Stack performance tests

The at present availible IPv6 Stacks for the common operatig systems shall be compared in this test concerning their performance for data exchange. But not only IPv6 is considered, we also compare the performance of the IPv6 Stacks with the performance of the existing IPv4 Stacks. Therefore the two most common high-layer protocols for data exchange (HTTP, FTP) were examined. Later on we tried to use NFS over UDP and TCP to have alternative Protocols (UDP and TCP) on the Network-Layer in the test. Unfortunately there is still no IPv6 supporting NFS (resp. rpcbind) client available for Linux. So we focused TFTP which is also based on UDP, but recognized again that this protocol is unsuitable, because TFTP only has a 2 byte sequence number in its header. When this sequence number reaches its maximum no further transfer is possible, because the number is then again set to 0 which is not acknowledged by the client. So a maximum file size of about 33MB (Max of 2 byte * 512 - the length of a TFTP data packet.) is possible to be transmitted by TFTP. We now chose SAMBA which uses SMB for further tests.


For questions please contact:

Michael Jobst michael.jobst@stud.fh-regensburg.de or
Hubert Feyrer hubert.feyrer@informatik.fh-regensburg.de