10.13. Conflicts with other packages

Your package may conflict with other packages a user might already have installed on his system, e.g. if your package installs the same set of files like another package in our pkgsrc tree.

In this case you can set CONFLICTS to a space separated list of packages (including version string) your package conflicts with.

For example pkgsrc/x11/Xaw3d and pkgsrc/x11/Xaw-Xpm install provide the same shared library, thus you set in pkgsrc/x11/Xaw3d/Makefile:

	CONFLICTS=      Xaw-Xpm-*
and in pkgsrc/x11/Xaw-Xpm/Makefile:
	CONFLICTS=      Xaw3d-*

Packages will automatically conflict with other packages with the name prefix and a different version string. "Xaw3d-1.5" e.g. will automatically conflict with the older version "Xaw3d-1.3".